L’ANNO CHE VERRA’ - Lucio Dalla a Ginevra con Smootalia

Concerto per i 10 anni dalla scomparsa di Lucio Dalla con Smootalia

Ginevra 17.12.2022

Organizzato da Consolato Generale di Ginevra

photo Riccardo Galardi

[autoAlbums directory=”Gallery/Italia_in_Svizzera/17122022″]

Link to the event:

Gala Night CCIS 2022

The official pictures of Gala Night 2022 organized by CCIS (Swiss Italian Chamber of Commerce) in Four Seasons – Hotel des Bergues, Geneva 23.09.2022

Link to Event



Swissitalia Summer Festival 2022 PHOTOS


Retrive your picture on Photo-Events!

Swissitalia Summer Festival 2022 @Village du Soir Thanks to Athon Lococo for these pictures!

Link to the event:

Missione Cattiolica Italiana Ginevra

Eventi e Celebrazioni MCI Ginevra 2022

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Gala Night CCIS 2021 - True Italian Taste

The official pictures of Gala Night 2021 organized by CCIS (Swiss Italian Chamber of Commerce) in Four Seasons – Hotel des Bergues, Geneva 17.09.2021

Link to Event


[autoAlbums directory=”Gallery/Corporate/CCIS/GALA_2021_PHOTOCALL”]


[autoAlbums directory=”Gallery/Corporate/CCIS/GALA_2021″]

Swissphotoclub Graduation 29-07-2021

Find here the pictures of the swissphoto club graduation ” One Year Academy class” with Jennifer & Ganesh and their beautiful photographic exhibition of their personal projects!

Thanks to the 1-year intensive course and with the best masters of photography both have reached a very high level, so congratulations from Riccardo one of their teachers and from the whole Photo-Events team a big welcome in the world of professional photographers !


Follow their Instagram profiles here:

Jennifer Firmenish https://www.instagram.com/jhfirmenich/

Ganesh Gopalan https://www.instagram.com/ganeshgopalan_photography/

Ecotrail Geneva 2021

ECOTRAIL 2021 Geneva

Retrouvez votre photos sur Photo-Events!

Cherchez votre dossard! / Find your BIB number!

Ecotrail Geneva 2021

Comment trouver TA PHOTO?

Avec ton numéro de dossard


Avec la couleur du Tee-shirt que tu as porté pendant ta course.

Missione Cattiolica Italiana Ginevra

Eventi e Celebrazioni MCI Ginevra 2021

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course des ponts

Course des ponts 2021

Course des Ponts 2021

Retrouvez votre photos sur Photo-Events!

course des ponts

Course des ponts 2021

Comment trouver TA PHOTO?


Avec ton numéro de dossard


Avec la couleur du Tee-shirt que tu as porté pendant ta course.

Cherchez votre dossard! / Find your BIB number!

Run Evasion Rhone 2021

Run Evasion Rhone 2021

Retrouvez votre photos sur Photo-Events!

Run Evasion Rhone 2021

Comment trouver TA PHOTO?


Avec ton numéro de dossard


Avec la couleur du Tee-shirt que tu as porté pendant ta course.

Cherchez votre dossard! / Find your BIB number!